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Adventuring Beyond A Course in Social Studies Class 1

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Adventuring Beyond A Course in Social Studies Class 1

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Adventuring Beyond A Course in Social Studies Class 1 - Adventuring Beyond aims to build skills that will help the learners enrich their understanding of the world and encourage them to blaze new paths. It provides an experience that goes beyond the traditional approach to teaching-learning.



Adventuring Beyond A Course in Social Studies Book 1


Britannica (India) Pvt. Ltd



No. of Pages:







Paper Back




Social Studies


About the book & Series

This revised edition of Adventuring beyond.. is an Encyclopedia Britannica series of five Social Studies textbooks for Classes 1 to 5. These extend to Social Science textbooks covering History, Geography, Social and Political Life for Classes 6, 7 and 8. Conforming to the National Curriculum Framework, 2005 and designed according to the new NCERT Upper Primary syllabus, 2005, Adventuring beyond is comprehensive and revolves around themes drawn from History, Geography, Civics, Economics, and Sociology in a balanced adjust to an increasingly interdependent and diverse world.


  • A wide array of experiments, surveys, map work, and other hands-on activities.
  • Questions stimulate the learner’s quest for knowledge and provide ample opportunities for group discussion and debate
  • More HOTS questions foster critical thinking and scientific skills
  • Chapter Objectives in the form of Now moving ahead, recap in the form of We already Know, and summary in the form of Brush up
  • Now you are talking focuses on communication-based activities; and that’s a fact….provides additional information to the learners.
  • Good living and Save the Planet cover value-based activities and promote awareness and sensitivity towards ecological issues.
  • Web resources to encourage research
  • Glossary placed next to the content to explain the difficult terms
  • Summative assessments for each term
  • CD-ROM supplements the textbook content with chapter-wise animations, visual information, and interactive exercises
  • Teacher’s manual and teacher notes to assist in the teaching process
  • Specific icons used for exercises and assignments to indicate skills for assessment through continuous and comprehensive evaluation(CCE)

Adventuring Beyond aims to build skills that will help the learners enrich their understanding of the world and encourage them to blaze new paths. It provides an experience that goes beyond the traditional approach to teaching-learning.

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