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Science Now A Book of Science and Technology Class 7

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Science Now A Book of Science and Technology Class 7

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Science Now A Book of Science and Technology Class 7 - Science Now, a textbook of science and technology (6-8) is an activity based series of books that focuses upon the thinking skills, exploring skills, practical skills, and skills for our daily life too.



Science Now A Book of Science and Technology Class 7


Sapphire (India) Publishers Pvt. Ltd.





No. of Pages:





Paper Back




About the book

Science Now, a textbook of science and technology (6-8) is an activity based series of books that focuses upon the thinking skills, exploring skills, practical skills, and skills for our daily life too. A key feature of this series of the CCE edition is that it follows the evaluation strategies both according to the formative and summative assessments.


  • The language is user friendly which makes learning easy.
  • ‘Do You Know’ provides greater awareness to the learners.
  • ‘Colourful illustrations’ communicate the concept more effectively
  • ‘Amazing Facts’ make children aware about some marvels of the living world.
  • In-text questions ‘Test Your Knowledge’ are helpful for the learners to recall what they have learnt.
  • ‘Fact Files’ expand their knowledge by providing extra information.
  • ‘Web-links’ encourages them to improve their knowledge through internet.
  • ‘Key Words’ at the end of each chapter are the recapitulation of what is learnt by them.
  • ‘Simple activities’ in between the chapter help develop the skills of experimentation in the learners.
  • ‘Tables’ provide information about a topic in a structured manner.
  • The section of summative assessment includes multiple choice questions, fill ups, true and false, one word answer questions, long and short answer questions, and HOTS questions as well for the child to comprehend the chapter accurately and thoroughly.
  • The section of ‘formative assessment’ gives way to exploring and research activities by initiating practical activities, report writing, outdoor visits, making PowerPoint presentations, group discussions, in class and web-linked information for further reinforcement of knowledge theoretically gained.
  • Visual Based CD also available. 

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