Table of Content
1. Political Theory, 2. Approaches to Political Analysis, 3. Methodology of Political Science, 4. Political Science And Its Relation to Allied Sciences, 5. The Nature and Scope of Political Science, 6. Politics and Society, 7. The State, 8. The Political System, 9. Political Culture and Political Socialisation, 10. Power, Authority and Legitimacy, 11. Political Modernisation and Political Development, 12. Origin of the State, 13. Evolution of the State, 14. Sovereignty, 15. Citizenship, 16. Rights and Duties, 17. Liberty, 18. Equality, 19. Property, 20. Justice, 21. Law, 22. Forms of Government, 23. The Constitution of the State, 24. Theory of Separation of Powers, 25. The Legislature, 26. Problems Relating to Voting and Representation, 27. The Executive, 28. The Judiciary, 29. Political Parties and Pressure Groups, 30. Public Opinion, 31. Local Government, 32. The End and Functions of State, 33. Liberal Theory of the Nature and Functions of the State, 34. Marxian Theory of the Nature and Functions of the State, 35. The Welfare State, 36. Utilitarianism, 37. Individualism, 38. Idealist Political Theory, 39. Socialism, 40. Marxism and Bolshevism, 41. Fascism and Nazism, 42. Democracy, 43. Nationalism and Internationalism, 44. Imperialism, 45. Political Thought of Harold J. Laski, 46. Political Thought of Mahatma Gandhi • Index
Additional Information
Title S.Chand Political Theory By V.D. Mahajan Publisher S.Chand Publishing Author V.D. Mahajan ISBN / Product Code 9788121903691 Category Higher Academic Books Publication Year 2013 Edition Latest Edition Company Details Published By S Chand and Company Limited, A-27, 2nd Floor, Mohan CO-operative industrial Estate, New Delhi-110044 Binding Paperback No of Pages 825 Subject Political Science Language English Country of origin India HSN Code 49011010