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S.Chand New Inquisitive Science For Class 5

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S.Chand New Inquisitive Science For Class 5

Regular Price: ₹475.00

Special Price ₹427.00

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The New Inquisitive Science Series consists of 8 carefully-structured books, for Classes 1 to 8, which aim the holistic development of a child. It is also in conformity with vision of NCF and other progressive curricula which are shifting away from rote learning. The books include many activities which help to develop scientific knowledge, skill and attitude so that children can meet the challenges of life with confidence and success.



S.Chand New Inquisitive Science For Class 5


S.Chand & Company Pvt.Ltd


Kiran Ashok Kumar



No. of Pages:





Paper Back






About the book & Series

Inquisitive science is a series of eight books for classes 1 to 8 that conforms to the vision of the national curriculum framework. The series has been written with a child-centric approach that arouses curiosity in children and helps to develop analytical and reasoning skills in them.

These books are supported with Teacher’s book for each class. Each teacher’s book has an accompanying CD. These supplement the book content through visuals, experiments, animation, interactive exercise and additional information.


  •  Basic concepts of science explained in a simple yet effective manner
  • Ample activities to develop scientific attitude and observation, data collection and inferential skills
  • Text supported with useful learning tools like pictures, Charts, tables etc.
  • Extensive practice to reinforce and test concepts
  • Mind map in each chapter gives a holistic view of the chapter
  • Visual interpretation are picture-based in-text exercise
  • Knowledge Treasure is the section of special pages in each book which provides interesting information to broaden one’s horizon
  • Connect integrates science with over subject as well as develops life skills
  • Key terms enrich scientific vocabulary

Additional Information

Company Details Published By S Chand and Company Limited, A-27, 2nd Floor, Mohan CO-operative industrial Estate, New Delhi-110044
Country of origin India
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