Table of Content
Part-I: The Life Support System on our Planet: 1. The Environment: Introduction, 2. Ecosystem & Ecosystem Services, 3. The Impact of Human Activity on the Environment, Part-II: Natural Resources: 4. Natural Resources, 5. Land: A Precious Resource, 6. Freshwater, 7. Mineral Resources, 8. Energy Resources, 9. Forest Wealth, 10. Food Resources, Part-III: Biodiversity: 11. Bio-diversity and its Degeneration, 12. Ex-situ Conservation, 13. In-situ Conservation, Part-IV: Environmental Pollution: 14. The Pollution of Environment, 15. Pollution of Earth's Surface: Water and Soil-I: Simple Organic Wastes, 16. Pollution of Earth's Surface: Water and Soil-II: Complex Degradable Wastes, 17. Pollution of Earth's Surface: Land and Water-III: Heavy Metal and Toxic Trace Elements, 18. Problems Caused by Harmful Physical Agents: Noise, Thermal and Radioactive Polluion, 19. Air Pollution, Part-V: Social Issues and the Environment: 20. Environmental Ethics and Value Education, 21. The Population Explosion, 22. Accelerated Urbanization, 23. Human Health and the Environment, 24. Human Rights and the Environment, 25. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), 26. Disaster Management, Resettlement and Rehabilitation, 27. Sustainable Development, 28. Environment and Law: Evolution of the Legal Framework for Protection of Wildlife and Environment • Reference • Glossary • Index
Additional Information
Title S.Chand A Textbook of Environmental Studies Publisher S.Chand Publishing Author D K Asthana & Meera Asthana ISBN / Product Code 9788121927642 Category Higher Academic Books Publication Year 2006 Edition Latest Edition Company Details Published By S Chand and Company Limited, A-27, 2nd Floor, Mohan CO-operative industrial Estate, New Delhi-110044 Binding Paperback No of Pages 397 Subject Environmental Studies Language English Country of origin India HSN Code 49011010