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S.Chand A Textbook of Biotechnology

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S.Chand A Textbook of Biotechnology

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A Textbook on Biotechnology presents an integrated study of biology, cell biology, chemistry and computer science and illustrates how biotechnology can be used to develop treatment for diseases and also beneficially alter genetics of humans and other life forms. Biotechnology is a field of applied biology which involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses in engineering, technology, medicine and other fields which require byproducts. The book covers diverse topics ranging from molecular biology, tissue culture, agricultural engineering, genetics, gene therapy, drug design, genome, probiotics and genetic engineering for animals, plants, microorganisms, bioinformatics and medicine. Designed as a comprehensive textbook for undergraduate students of Biotechnology, this comprehensive and lucidly written text will also be useful for Civil Services and other competitive examinations

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Table of Content

1. Biotechnology: Scope and Importance, 2. Genes: Nature, Concept and Synthesis, 3. Tools of Genetic Engineering - I: Basic Requirements, 4. Tools of Genetic Engineering-II: Cutting and Joining of DN, 5. Tools of Genetic Engineering - III: Cloning Vectors, 6. Techniques of Genetic Engineering (Cloning Methods and DNA Analysis), 7. Genetic Engineering for Human Welfare, 8. Genomics and Proteomics, 9. Bioinformatics, 10. Animal Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 11. Manipulation of Reproduction and Transgenic Animals, 12. In Vitro Culture Techniques of Plant Cells, Tissues and Organs, 13. Applications of Plant Cell, Tissues and Organ Cultures, 14. Molecular Markers of Plant and Animal Genomes, 15. Cryopreservation, 16. Features of Biotechnological Importance in Microorganisms, 17. Microbial Products: Primary and Secondary Metabolites, 18. Single Cell Protein (SCP) and Mycoprotein, 19. Biological Nitrogen Fixation, 20. Biofertilizers (Microbial Inoculants), 21. Biopesticides (Biological Control of Plant Pathogens, Pests and Weeds), 22. Enzyme Biotechnology, 23. Biomass: A Renewable Source of Energy, 24. Biomass Energy (Bio-energy), 25. Environmental Biotechnology, 26. Biotechnology and Biosafety, Intellectual Property Right (IPR) and Protection (IPP)

Additional Information

Title S.Chand A Textbook of Biotechnology
Publisher S.Chand Publishing
Author R C Dubey
ISBN / Product Code 9789355010537
Category Higher Academic Books
Publication Year 2022
Edition Latest Edition
Company Details Published By S Chand and Company Limited, A-27, 2nd Floor, Mohan CO-operative industrial Estate, New Delhi-110044
Binding Paperback
No of Pages 602
Subject Biotechnology
Language English
Country of origin India
HSN Code 49011010
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