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Oxford Free and Open Source Software Class 7 (FOSS)

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Oxford Free and Open Source Software Class 7 (FOSS)

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FOSS: Free and Open Source Software, latest series in computer science for classes 1 to 8, is based on Edubuntu 14.04, the most recent version of the operating system. It covers all essential areas of computer science, including computer basics, office applications, creative software, programming concepts, and the Internet.



Oxford Free and Open Source Software Class 7 (FOSS)


Oxford University Press


Sangeeta Panchal & Alka Sabharwal





No. of Pages:










About the Book & Series

FOSS: Free and Open Source Software, latest series in computer science for classes 1 to 8, is based on Edubuntu 14.04. It covers all essential areas of computer science, including computer basics, office applications, creative software, programming concepts, and the Internet. At the primary level, the series focuses on presenting the basics of computers and the Edubuntu operating system, in addition to software such as Tux Typing, Tux Paint, gedit, GCompris, Scratch, KTurtle, LibreOffice Writer, Impress, and Calc. Students are also introduced to the Internet.

At the middle school level, the students learn BASIC-256, Tupi (animation software), OpenShot (video editing software), GIMP, Inkscape, HTML5, LibreOffice Base, and advanced features of Calc. Computer networks, more about the Internet, computer viruses, and the basics of app development are also discussed at this level.


  • In this chapter Lists thee key concepts covered in the chapter
  • Wow Factor! Highlights interesting information on the topic being covered
  • Let’s Know! Introduces students to famous personalities associated with the topic or software under discussion
  • Quick TIP Provides students useful tips on the options available for different operations
  • Shortcut Highlights keyboard shortcuts for menu commands, to help users save time while performing routine operations
  • Let’s Do! Includes situational exercises along with their solutions to reinforce conceptual understanding
  • Try This! Provides a challenging hands-on exercise allowing students to extend their learning
  • Tech Terms Lists all the important technical terms the child has come across in the chapter, along with their definitions, for easy recall
  • Let’s Sum Up! Summarizes the key concepts of each chapter, facilitating a quick recap of the chapter contents
  • Computer Manners Explains computer etiquette in a child-friendly manner
  • Exercises Features both objective and descriptive questions, testing learners on all aspects of conceptual theory covered in the chapter
  • Let’s Apply! Includes application-based questions to hone practical problem-solving skills
  • ON YOUR SYSTEM! Enables concept application to real-life situations
  • Assessments Allow comprehensive periodic, mid-year, and end-of-year assessment

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