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Macmillan Treasury Management For CAIIB Examination 2018

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Macmillan Treasury Management For CAIIB Examination 2018

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Treasury Management – The book attempts to make Treasury Management on enjoyable work and a practitioner’s delight. It provides valuable insights and inputs into the exciting world of Treasury and forms courseware for one of the electives under the current examination system of the Institute.



Treasury Management


Macmillan Publishers India Pvt. Ltd.


Indian Institute of Banking & Finance








Paper Back





About the book

The book covers the whole gamut of essential subjects like treasury organization, functions, products, management and interest rate quotations and market terminology along with capital market instruments. An overview of derivatives is also provided along with basic concepts of risk management. Ethics, morals and code of conduct is a new chapter that gives a new dimension to modern treasury business. The courseware is prepared with great care and details to handle micro-issues and should definitely be of interest to candidates preparing for the examination, ardent learners of banking and finance, and other professionals.


About the Author

Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (Formerly The Indian Institute of Bankers) established in 1928, is a professional body of banks, financial institutions and their employees in India. During its 90 years of service, IIBF has emerged as a premier Institute in banking and finance education of those employed in the sector, aiming for professional excellence. The institute has awarded over 12.75 lakh banking and finance qualification, viz. JAIIB, CAIIB, Diploma, Certificates and Advanced Certificates in specialized areas. The pedagogy of Distance learning offered by the Institute comprises (i) publishing specific courseware for each paper/examination; (II) holding classroom learning through accredited institutions; (III) organizing contact classes; (IV) offering video lectures; (V) offering e-learning through portal; (VI) organizing campus training for selected courses etc.

Additional Information

Publisher Macmillan Education India Pvt. Ltd.
Country of origin India
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