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Macmillan Human Resource Management For CAIIB Examination 2018

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Macmillan Human Resource Management For CAIIB Examination 2018

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Human Resource Management – This book covers the topics prescribed under the optional paper for the CAIIB curriculum. Human Resources play a crucial role in services industry like banking, as harnessing these resources the right way will lead to best results for all concerned in the industry.



Human Resource Management


Macmillan Publishers India Pvt. Ltd.


Indian Institute of Banking & Finance








Paper Back




HR Management

About the book

Human Resource Management, the management of work and people towards desired ends, is a fundamental activity in any organization in which human beings are employed. A dynamic HRM will help to foster the kind of culture in which clever strategies are conceived and reworked over. An attempt has also been made to define the expectations that a employee as well as the bank have from each other. There is considerable coverage of technology and its applications in banking today as also a chapter on dealing with and training ‘Generation Y’ employees. This book would be of use to those who intend to specialize in the area of HRM.


About the Author

Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (Formerly The Indian Institute of Bankers) established in 1928, is a professional body of banks, financial institutions and their employees in India. During its 90 years of service, IIBF has emerged as a premier Institute in banking and finance education of those employed in the sector, aiming for professional excellence. The institute has awarded over 12.75 lakh banking and finance qualification, viz. JAIIB, CAIIB, Diploma, Certificates and Advanced Certificates in specialized areas. The pedagogy of Distance learning offered by the Institute comprises (i) publishing specific courseware for each paper/examination; (II) holding classroom learning through accredited institutions; (III) organizing contact classes; (IV) offering video lectures; (V) offering e-learning through portal; (VI) organizing campus training for selected courses etc.

Additional Information

Publisher Macmillan Education India Pvt. Ltd.
Country of origin India
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