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Eupheus Learning Wow Mental Maths Book 5

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Eupheus Learning Wow Mental Maths Book 5
WOW! MENTAL MATHS, Smart Mental Maths Strategies, is a series of eight skill development books for the K-8 levels, specifically developed to teach students the techniques of mental computations. The series blends various short-cuts and strategies including the sutras of Vedic Maths to help students learn the essential skills required to calculate mentally.


About the book & Series

Each book has been developed with alignment to the grade-wise coverage of the concepts taught in school, thereby ensuring the appropriateness of the strategies taught. In grade one to three; emphasis has been laid on simple calculations of whole numbers to help students develop good reasoning skills.

Subsequently, in grades four and five, the strategies learnt in previous grades are reinforced and extended to fractions and decimals. In grade six to eight, the concepts are further extended to real numbers, percentage, ratio and proportion, algebra etc., to include more advanced methods of approaching the problems specially through Vedic Maths.


Strategy based information to give an insight as to where the listed skill can be appropriately applied.


Added after a set of strategies. Includes practice from a collection of strategies with an aim to make students solve questions by selecting the most appropriate strategy.


Includes suggestions/ ideas for teachers and parents, to support the students in making the learning of the strategy comprehensive and complete.


Challenging higher order questions that trigger analytical reasoning and help students apply the relevant strategy, and find solutions on their own.

Additional Information

Title Wow Mental Maths Book 5
Publisher Eupheus Learning
ISBN / Product Code MBSWMMC5
Category School Books
Standard Class 5
Edition Latest Edition
Company Details Marketed and Distributed by Eupheus Learning A-12, Second Floor, Mohan Coop Indus. Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi-110044
Binding Paperback
No of Pages 64
Subject Mathematics
Language English
Country of origin India
Board CBSE
HSN Code 4901
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