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Eupheus learning It’s Time to learn Art Class 6

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Eupheus learning It’s Time to learn Art Class 6

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It is being increasingly felt by educationists that ART not only promotes an aesthetic sense but also broadens knowledge. It has been proved that learning of ART develops a number of life skills like patience, perseverance, creative, problem-solving, anger management, tolerance, peace, etc.




  • Focus on innovation and creativity.
  • Introduction of folk art and craft under the aegis of heritage education.
  • Encourages children to explore their own ideas and concepts-this builds self –esteem and self worth in children.
  • Ideas for application of the concepts taught have been given so that the children may use them in the projects they are required to make in various subjects.
  • Activities that require adult supervision or guidance have been marked.
  • Waste material or easily available material has been used. What is not easily available has been provided.
  • Care has been taken not to use materials that are potentially hazardous to children.

Additional Information

Title It’s Time to learn Art Class 6
Publisher Eupheus Learning
Author R.N. Malhotra
ISBN / Product Code 9789381360859
Category School Books
Standard Class 6
Edition Latest Edition
Company Details Marketed and Distributed by Eupheus Learning A-12, Second Floor, Mohan Coop Indus. Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi-110044
Binding Paper Back
No of Pages 67
Subject Art % Craft
Language English
Country of origin India
Board CBSE
HSN Code 4901
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