The story revolves around Antonio, the merchant of Venice. Antonio borrows money from Shylock, the Jewish moneylender, in order to help his friend Bassanio to woo Portia, a rich heiress of Belmont. Shylock agrees to give the money without interest but makes a condition that if the loan is not repaid in three months, he will exact a pound of flesh from the merchant. Antonio agrees. He is confident that his ships will return in time. In due course, Bassanio wins Portia as his wife but learns that Antonio's ships have been wrecked and his creditors are pressurizing him for repayment. Bassanio hurries back to Venice, but the date for the repayment of the money has passed and Shylock demands his pound of flesh. At this juncture Portia arrives in a man's disguise to defend Antonio. And, not only does she use her wit to save his life but is able to turn the tables on Shylock. In the end, news arrives that Antonio's ships have returned safely. And, with the exception of Shylock, all celebrate this happy ending.