Jack and the Beanstalk is a popular English fairytale, which has been around for a few thousand years. Many versions of this story has been told over the years but the most popular version, on which, this story is based, was written by Joseph Jacobs, published in 1890 in his book English Fairy Tales. The tale has a universal appeal. People of different ages and cultures can relate to the story. Jack and the Beanstalk is the tale of a very poor boy, Jack, who lived with his mother. The story begins when Jack sells his cow for a handful of magic beans out of which grows a giant beanstalk, which leads up to a castle in the clouds. The story is populated by wondrous characters like the magical harp that could sing beautiful songs, a hen that laid golden eggs and of course the giant who sings Fee-fi-fo-fum, and likes to eat little boys. In short the story has all the ingredients needed to fire the imagination and enthral the child. It is hoped that children will enjoy listening to, and reading, this delightful story. The beautiful illustrations are intended to enhance the child's pleasure in the book, and encourage creativity.