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A Practical Guide to English Translation and Composition

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A Practical Guide to English Translation and Composition

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A Practical Guide to English Translation and Composition is intended to serve an important need of the learners at the +2 and +3 stages. An attempt has been made in this book to give the essentials of writing skills which will provide models and materials to help the learner develop competence in certain type of writing English.



A Practical Guide to English Translation and Composition


Bharati Bhawan Publishers & Distributors


K P Thakur



No. of Pages:





Reprint 2016


Paper Back


English & Hindi




  • Each chapter of the book has definite order of presentation which follows the two basic assumptions of pedagogic grading – from the centre to the periphery and from the easy to the difficult.
  • We have a brief introduction to the topic, worked-out examples and plenty of exercises of different types in each chapter of the book.
  • The exercises are graded in a way which will be of immense use to both types of learners – average and above average (as far as learning English is concerned).
  • An attempt has been made to utilize, of course in a small way, the findings of recent works in English-language teaching in giving structure-based passages for translation so that the learner may have a smooth take-off for more challenging tasks ahead.
  • The chapter on translation includes a fairly large number of passages meant for all types of learners – beginning with isolated sentences based on structures and ending with continuous passages of higher difficulty level.
  • A good number of Hindi passages on various topics have been given, which after they are translated, would turn out to be mini-essays in English within controlled vocabulary and structures.
  • Different layouts of letters, together with brief discussions, have been given in order to acquaint the learner with various formats of letter-writing.
  • Chapters on comprehensions, letter-writing and précis-writing have been further graded in the light of the suggestions received from fellow-teachers. The chapter on expansion, too, has been strengthened and made up to date.
  • There is a separate chapter which includes miscellaneous Hindi sentences of common interest translated into English. A thorough and repeated reading of this chapter may enhance out students’ confidence in their ability to speak English, provided they read it aloud and try to practice these sentences in life-like situations.


  • Translation
  • Letter-Writing
  • Comprehension
  • Expansion
  • Paragraph Writing
  • Precis-Writing
  • Hindi Sentences of Daily Use Translated Into English
  • A list of 3,000 words of day-to-day use

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