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A New Approach To Grammar and Composition Class 3

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A New Approach To Grammar and Composition Class 3

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A New Approach To Grammar and Composition Class 3



A New Approach To Grammar and Composition Class 3


Radison Books


Lekha Manohar



No. of Pages:





Paper Back




English Grammar


About the Book

Grammar is one aspect of language that most students find the least exciting. They find it rather boring. They also face difficulty in grasping the complex rules and minute variations or exception to the rules which are presented in a dull and monotonous manner in most grammar books. This series attempts to reinvent grammar teaching and learning. The foundation of the book is brain- based multiple intelligence learning theory. This well-researched and proven theory underscores the fact that each student learns differently. That is, some students learn best through visual inputs, some learn through auditory inputs, and many through reading and writing processes.


  • Let’s Get Going – The activity is designed to connect the students with the concept at hand. This activity also test student’s prior knowledge of a particular concept and generates interest and curiosity.
  • Rules – Under this, definition of the concept, rules and exception to the rules are given simply and briefly. Each rule is buttressed with numerous examples.
  • Exercises – Each concept has a variety of exercises. These include multiple choice questions, identifying errors, ticking the correct answers, and filling in the blanks. The objective is to reinforce the concept learnt.
  • Fun with Grammar – Brain-based learning recommends fun activities to enhance the learning ability of the learners. Activities are designed to let students have fun and develop their critical thinking ability. The fun-activities include drawing, colouring, analogy, board games, table interpretation, Venn diagrams and host of other innovative activities.

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